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SOTTO SOPRA Arte Urbana | Siena, Italy | 2024

    SOTTO SOPRA Arte Urbana: Dalla strada al museo, andata e ritorno Group exhibition curated by Patrizia Cattaneo Moresi and Michelina Simona Eremita in the Santamariadellascala , showing works by Taki183 , Banksy , Bluwalls , Osgemeos , Jeff Areosol, Bordallo 2, Obeygiant and others. I used laces to the installation made by my favorite lacemeker Alina Krupa and some small laces from Italy. Santa Maria Della Scala in Siena is a museum in the building of the former municipal hospital opposite the cathedral, whose history dates back to the 11th century. Thank you for the opportunity to work in such a unique place. Greetings to the entire team of Artrust, specially to Giada.